Slap Me in the Face with a Cheeseburger

I have an issue waking up in the morning. It is part of my undeniable charm.

I could sleep through a war. I am not kidding. It is absurd. I need not go into the story from college where passing out on or near a railroad track seemed genius.

Currently I have this system:

My phone alarm goes off and then fifteen minutes later another alarm goes off. I switch the 2nd alarm between radio and alarm every few weeks to keep it real - because after too long - I can sleep through either.

Currently it is on radio. I listen to Steve Dahl in the AM, because he is a riot.

Sometimes when I actually do wake up from the first alarm - I just lay in bed, wait for the radio alarm and laugh it up in bed.

This morning my phone alarm went off. As usual...I got up, collected it, brought the phone with me to bed, snuggled up with it and started pressing buttons to snooze. Well...I turned it off. This is why I have 2 alarms.

Then I fell back to slumber, nuzzling my cell phone.

I started to have a dream. Someone was describing all these delicious cheeseburgers to me. In my dream, I look for pen and paper and feverishly wrote down all the delicious components of the cheeseburgers. I have not clue why I need that to be documented - it was a dream, what can I say. I could could not keep up with the cheeseburger list. It was stressful.

Then I pleasantly awoke to find was my good friend, Steve Dahl, on the radio describing such things.

I have come to this conclusion: if delightful food is being described to me...that is pretty much the best way for me to be find my way out of sleep.

This can't be a positive thing.

1 comment:

Jeff and Lindsey said...

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