Bitch Cunt and back to the Bitch

That is what I was called today as I crossed the street on a walk signal.

This is what a fella in what appeared to be a migrant worker truck or a truck used to collect alley treasures called me...

I got off the bus and was delighted to see I had a walk signal. Hooray. No waiting for me. As I crossed I noted the truck on the other side of the street was quickly attempting to make a left turn and kill me.

This prompted me to walk at a snail pace as to alert him that I, the pedestrian, had the right of way. Go ahead...hit me. All that crap in that back of your truck will be mine. The three rakes, the broken lamp, the like new navy blue sweatshirt, and the toilet.

This prompted him to call me a bitch and tell me that it was a red light.

"Nope...I have a walk signal" -me

"you are a cunt" - truck jerk

"you are unfamiliar with how the road signals work" -me

"bitch" - truck jerk

The whole time, an older gay man was yelling at him with various profanities. After we were safe on the sidewalk he said "Pardon my French back there but that guy was in the wrong"

Two things:

1. Love the term "Pardon my French", let's go ahead and bring that back.

2. I can't stand trucks.
They are a dumb automobile and I can only assume the soul reason for demise of the American car industry. If your job or hobby does not require you to haul around calves or futons, what the heck do you need one for? It is frowned upon to put humans back there. So what is the purpose of all that open air space?

Down with trucks.

1 comment:

Jeff and Lindsey said...

We have a truck for many reasons:
We transport the hairy beast we call our dog.
We also transport a ton of kid crap.
Home improvement would cost twice as much if we couldn't haul the shit to the dump ourselves. There, I am justified.