Me and My Face

I am bored out of my skull because I had a piece of furniture delivered today and the AT&T man came. Far be it from me to go into work. I should be productive - but I choose not to be. Instead I entertain me

I was on my friend's blog for this and I said I would bring it to mine.

Why? Well...I like to talk about myself and I like to look at myself and flatter myself with who I look like.

My two favorite are actually the least flattering. I have been told I look like these people by more than one person on different occasions. Well expect the kid from Dazed and friend used to play the last scene from that movie in slow motion and tell me I looked like him. As for American Gothic - I made that up. I can't help it. When I see the beginning of Desperate Housewives- I think. Damn it...I look like that farmer's wife.

There are a lot and most are flattering. I am telling you - this is what I have been told. I tried to find photos circa the era I was told that in. I also get told I look like a foreigner on occasion and people try to speak polish to me so I am not sure what that says.

Anyway so here are my look a-likes and me:

I would ask who yours are and post them - but I know that no one but my friend Katie will admit to the BAD twins. Own up to your bad twin...and we will talk.


Mere said...

I want to know who is voting for American Gothic.

Frost Cake Co. said...

You look like Anna!!!!

Mere said...


My poll closed and Anna won by a landslide.

This affirms that I am indeed...good lookin'